The Refragmentation //paulgraham comments→
Microsoft Solitaire was developed by a summer intern //reddit comments→
Three Years as a One-Man Startup //medium comments→
Income inequality is not the problem, it's a symptom //rongarret comments→
Do the math on your stock options //jvns comments→
BitBar: put the output from any script/program in your Mac OS X Menu Bar //github comments→
Permission to Fail //keen comments→
When slaves and free men were shipwrecked together //economist comments→
Fun with Swift //github comments→
Reverse Engineering a Real Candle //cpldcpu comments→
Magic+ //getmagicnow comments→
Kodak resurrects Super 8 //kodak comments→
Up for Grabs: Projects which have curated tasks for new contributors //up-for-grabs comments→
Aseprite: cross-platform, open source sprite and pixel art tool //aseprite comments→
Plain text for the web //saola comments→
A friendship-centric journal //github comments→
Tinkercad – Create 3D digital designs with online CAD //tinkercad comments→
Parrot announces new Disco drone, ditches quadrocopter design for wings //dronethority comments→
PostgreSQL 9.5: UPSERT, Row Level Security, and Big Data //postgresql comments→
Nodal. Next-Generation Node.js Server and Framework //nodaljs comments→
GPU text rendering with vector textures //wdobbie comments→
Swiss in CSS – Homage to the International Typographic Style //swissincss comments→
Bret Victor's Bookshelf //worrydream comments→
Bill Gates: The Billionaire Book Critic //nytimes comments→
A new Japanese magazine about construction workers //ignition comments→
Fai0verflow: Linux on the PS4 //youtube comments→
How the McLaren F1 Got Its Sound //soundcloud comments→
GNU Radio Tools for Radio Wrangling and Spectrum Domination //youtube comments→
Happy people don’t leave jobs they love //randsinrepose comments→
Working fewer hours would make us more productive //theguardian comments→
The Product Engineer //davidchouinard comments→
Inside Automattic's Remote Hiring Process //davemart comments→
Please do not delete this commented-out version //emacshorrors comments→
Cracking BurgerTime, a 1982 game on a floppy disk //archive comments→
Dirk's Lego Globe (2013) //mocpages comments→