Let's Encrypt Root Trusted by All Major Root Programs //letsencrypt comments→
The Bullsh!t Web //pxlnv comments→
Google AMP – A 70% drop in our conversion rate //medium comments→
You don’t need standup //medium comments→
Show HN: Pts.js – A library for visualization and creative coding //ptsjs comments→
Things they don’t teach you running a business by yourself //browserless comments→
Make a “Literary Clock” from a Jailbroken Kindle //instructables comments→
The Structure of Stand-Up Comedy //pudding comments→
How I gained commit access to Homebrew in 30 minutes //medium comments→
Where Vim Came From //twobithistory comments→
How Does Mastodon Work? // comments→
In Pursuit of Production Minimalism //brandur comments→
What are some niche communities you enjoy? //ycombinator
What is the most unethical thing you've done as a programmer? //ycombinator
What are the most interesting emerging fields in computer science? //ycombinator
I made a tool that made me faster at Git //github comments→
Introducing Android 9 Pie //googleblog comments→
A map that shows you how far you can go for a given time //oalley comments→
JPL Open-Source Rover Project Based on the Rovers on Mars //github comments→
Retool – build internal tools faster //tryretool comments→
NES Party – Online Multiplayer NES Emulator Using WebRTC //nes comments→
To Remember Everything You Learn, Surrender to This Algorithm //wired comments→
I’m a very slow thinker //sivers comments→
What happens when you ask people to draw a bike //gianlucagimini comments→
Julia 1.0 //julialang comments→
GLB: GitHub's open source load balancer //githubengineering comments→
Bash Infinity: Standard library and boilerplate framework //github comments→
Python 3 is now available on App Engine standard environment //google comments→
Announcing Dart 2 Stable and the Dart Web Platform //medium comments→
Facebook Field Guide to Machine Learning – video series //fb comments→
A friendly guide to colours in data visualisation //datawrapper comments→
PIN number analysis //datagenetics comments→
Getting Alexa to Respond to Sign Language Using Your Webcam and TensorFlow.js //medium comments→
Learning from Terminals to Design the Future of User Interfaces //brandur comments→
Thank You, Robert Voit, Creator of Paint Shop Pro //ianlotinsky comments→
Photography Composition //antongorlin comments→
UnDraw: MIT licensed illustrations for every project you can imagine and create //undraw comments→
Chemists discover how blue light speeds blindness //phys comments→
How America Uses Its Land //bloomberg comments→
Engineers teach a drone to herd birds away from airports autonomously //techxplore comments→
Usenet – A worldwide distributed discussion system //wikipedia comments→
Minivac 601 //wikipedia comments→
Einstellung Effect //wikipedia comments→
Paul Graham on SICP //amazon comments→
BYTE Magazine //archive comments→
Introduction to Computer Organization with X86-64 Assembly Language and Linux //sonoma comments→
The pfSense Book //netgate comments→
Causal Models //stanford comments→
Mechanical Characterization of Structured Sheet Materials //disneyresearch comments→
Tracking collars reveal just how extreme a wild cheetah’s movements can be //nationalgeographic comments→
The Computer Chronicles – Microchip Technology //youtube comments→
Steven Johnson on “Spacewar” //longnow comments→
Holloway Guide to Equity Compensation //holloway comments→
Pilots who risk their lives flying tiny planes over the Atlantic //bbc comments→
How Musicians Make Money, Or Don’t, In 2018 //rollingstone comments→
Why the tech sector may not solve America’s looming automation crisis //pudding comments→
The art of stealing //nrc comments→
My experience with Sarah Jeong, Jason Koebler, and Vice Magazine //medium comments→
Chess over ActivityPub //castling comments→
The Mind: Most polarizing card game of the year? //arstechnica comments→
Gear Review: Wahoo Elemnt Bolt //dreamwidth comments→
XKCD: Voting software //xkcd comments→
Deep Space Network Now: Status of communications with our deep space explorers //nasa comments→
Polyhedra Viewer //tessera comments→
Filament: Physically-based rendering engine //github comments→
Power Worth Less Than Zero Spreads as Green Energy Floods the Grid //bloomberg comments→
Fidelity Introduces Zero Expense Ratio Index Funds //businesswire comments→
Musk mulls taking Tesla private, Saudi sovereign fund builds $2B stake //bloomberg comments→
A Dutch first: Ingenious BMW theft attempt //mrooding comments→
Unix Syscalls //john-millikin comments→
Very few owners of Alexa-powered devices use them for shopping //techcrunch comments→
Luna Studio – Visual and textual functional programming language //github comments→
Why startups need to approach SEO differently than established companies //atrium comments→
Free-range parenting outside the US //nytimes comments→
Life – A secure, blazing-fast, cross-platform WebAssembly VM in Go //github comments→