Pardon Snowden //pardonsnowden comments→
Announcing new tools, forums, and features //github comments→
I’m Joining Stripe to Work on Atlas //kalzumeus comments→
Angular 2 Final Released //angular comments→
GitLab Master Plan //gitlab comments→
YC Changes //ycombinator comments→
Why are Adults so busy? //debarghyadas comments→
Introducing the Firefox debugger.html //mozilla comments→
Advancing in the Bash Shell //samrowe comments→
Machine Learning in a Year //medium comments→
Is web programming a series of hacks on hacks? //ycombinator
What's your favorite HN post? //ycombinator
Strange bug workarounds? //ycombinator
Vim 8.0 released //google comments→
Microsoft Pix //microsoft comments→
Logo Pizza: Hot and ready logos for sale //logo comments→
Old Geek Jobs: fighting against ageism in the industry //oldgeekjobs comments→
A flask app to make dashboards, easily //github comments→
Materialistic – Ad free, open source Hacker News client //google comments→
Open-source search engine with 2bn-page index //deusu comments→
Falcon – a Chrome extension for full text browsing history search //github comments→
Colors Used by Popular Sites //paulhebertdesigns comments→
I invented a caffeinated toothpaste //powertoothpaste comments→
Some bad Git situations and how I got myself out of them //ohshitgit comments→
Cap’n Proto //capnproto comments→
If your code accepts URIs as input, filter out “file://” //steve comments→
Golang concepts from an OOP point of view //github comments→
QuineDB – A quine that is also a key-value store //github comments→
How I spent two weeks hunting a memory leak in Ruby (2015) //be9 comments→
A Pixel Artist Renounces Pixel Art //dinofarmgames comments→
Radiobox.css – Tiny set of CSS3 animations meant for your radio inputs //github comments→
Stretching the limits of CSS 3: Amazing creations in pure CSS //independent-software comments→
Can computers read through a book page by page without opening it? //mit comments→
Przybylski's Star //wikipedia comments→
Companies would benefit from helping introverts to thrive //economist comments→
Be Productive Anywhere: Strategies for Better Remote Work //zapier comments→
OverThrown – A multiplayer turn based strategy game //overthrown comments→
How the Sugar Industry Shifted Blame to Fat //nytimes comments→
How Doom 2016 Renders a Frame //adriancourreges comments→
How to Write Articles and Essays Quickly and Expertly (2006) //downes comments→
Command-line tools can be faster than a Hadoop cluster (2014) //aadrake comments→
How I learned to program //danluu comments→
Why building a startup is probably your most sensible career path //nature comments→
Five Months of Kubernetes //danielmartins comments→
A Review of Time Series Databases //dataloop comments→